Решите следующие вопросы, связанные с историей:Что было одной из причин кризиса рыночной системы в конце 1970-х — начале 1980-х гг.?Сопротивление экономических систем — социализма и капитализмаЧто стало причиной возникновения глобальной энергетической проблемы?Ограниченность и необновляемость сырьевых ресурсовКаким был период с 1945 года до конца 1950-х годов в большинстве западных европейских стран?Демократизацией жизниК каким странам с федеративным государственным устройством относится Германия после Второй мировой войны?ГерманияЧто называется странами народной демократии после Второй мировой войны?Существовала республиканская форма правленияЧем характеризуется постиндустриальное общество?Развитие сферы услугКаким стал результат интеграции?Преодоление разрыва в уровне экономического развития между странами Запада и государствами Азии и АфрикиЧто характерно для государства всеобщего благоденствия?Высокая степень социальной защищенностиКакая причина привела к бурному экономическому росту в странах Запада в 1950-1973 годах?Развитие системы мировой торговлиКакой процесс называется всемирным экономическим, политическим, культурным и религиозным сближением?ГлобализацияЧто создали для усиления экономического взаимодействия стран Запада в 1940-е годы?ВТО (Всемирная торговая организация)Какова причина возникновения глобальной демографической проблемы?Неконтролируемый рост численности населенияЧто является отличительной чертой тоталитарного государства?Преследование инакомыслияКто был сторонником кейнсианской модели экономики?Дж. КеннедиЧто привело к усилению интеграции в 1980-1990 годах?Появление Всемирной информационной сети Интернет


  1. What was one of the reasons for the crisis of the market system in the late 1970s to early 1980s? — Resistance of economic systems — socialism and capitalism.

One of the reasons for the crisis of the market system in the late 1970s to early 1980s was the resistance and challenges posed by both socialist and capitalist economic systems. This period witnessed ideological and economic clashes between these two opposing systems, which contributed to the instability in the global economic landscape.

  1. What caused the emergence of the global energy problem?

The emergence of the global energy problem can be attributed to the limited and non-renewable nature of natural resources. As the world’s population grew and industrialization expanded, the demand for energy resources, particularly fossil fuels like oil and coal, increased significantly. This heightened demand, coupled with concerns about resource depletion and environmental issues, led to the global energy problem.

  1. What characterized the period from 1945 to the late 1950s in most Western European countries?

The period from 1945 to the late 1950s in most Western European countries was characterized by the democratization of life. After the end of World War II, many Western European nations underwent significant political and social changes, including the establishment of democratic governments, the rebuilding of infrastructure, and the improvement of living standards. This era marked a transition towards more democratic and prosperous societies.

  1. What type of state structure does Germany have after World War II?

Germany adopted a federal state structure after World War II. In this federal system, the country is divided into different states or regions, each with its own degree of autonomy and authority. The Federal Republic of Germany, commonly known as West Germany during the Cold War era, consisted of multiple states that shared power with the federal government in Bonn. This federal structure aimed to decentralize authority and promote cooperation among different regions.

  1. What are the countries of people’s democracy after World War II?

The term «countries of people’s democracy» refers to nations that adopted a republican form of governance after World War II. These countries implemented political systems characterized by the people’s involvement in the decision-making process through elected representatives. This form of governance aimed to establish a more equitable and participatory society. The term does not specifically denote countries with a particular ideology but rather a republican style of governance.

  1. What characterizes a post-industrial society?

A post-industrial society is characterized by the development and dominance of the service sector. In such societies, the service industry, which includes fields like finance, technology, healthcare, education, and entertainment, plays a central role in the economy. Manufacturing and agriculture become less prominent, and there is a greater reliance on information, technology, and intellectual work. Post-industrial societies are often associated with advanced technology and information-based economies.

  1. What was the result of integration?

The result of integration was the overcoming of disparities in the level of economic development between Western countries and states in Asia and Africa. Integration efforts, such as economic cooperation agreements and international organizations like the European Union, aimed to promote economic growth, reduce trade barriers, and foster collaboration among nations. As a result, countries achieved greater economic stability and reduced inequalities in development.

  1. What is characteristic of a welfare state?

A welfare state is characterized by a high degree of social security and social protection. In such a state, the government plays a significant role in ensuring the well-being of its citizens through policies that provide access to healthcare, education, unemployment benefits, and various social services. The goal is to reduce poverty, inequality, and social hardships by offering a safety net for individuals and families in need.

  1. What led to rapid economic growth in Western countries from 1950 to 1973?

The rapid economic growth in Western countries from 1950 to 1973 was primarily driven by the development of a global trade system. After World War II, international trade expanded significantly, facilitated by trade agreements, increased globalization, and the availability of new markets. Western countries were able to export goods and services on a larger scale, boosting their economies and leading to substantial growth during this period.

  1. What process is referred to as global economic, political, cultural, and religious convergence?

The process referred to as global economic, political, cultural, and religious convergence is known as globalization. Globalization involves the interconnectedness and interdependence of nations and regions in various aspects, including trade, politics, culture, and religion. It is characterized by the flow of information, goods, services, and ideas across borders, leading to increased integration and interaction among countries and cultures.

  1. What was established to enhance economic cooperation among Western countries in the 1940s?

In the 1940s, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was established to enhance economic cooperation among Western countries. GATT aimed to reduce trade barriers, promote fair trade practices, and encourage economic collaboration among member nations. It later evolved into the World Trade Organization (WTO), which continues to facilitate international trade negotiations and agreements.

  1. What is the cause of the global demographic problem?

The global demographic problem is primarily caused by uncontrolled population growth. Rapidly increasing populations in many regions, combined with limited resources and infrastructure, lead to challenges such as overpopulation, resource depletion, and environmental stress. Addressing this problem often requires implementing measures to control population growth and ensure sustainable resource use.

  1. What is a distinguishing feature of a totalitarian state?

A distinguishing feature of a totalitarian state is the persecution of dissenting voices and opposition. Totalitarian regimes exercise strict control over all aspects of public and private life, including political, social, cultural, and economic activities. They suppress political dissent, limit individual freedoms, and often employ surveillance, censorship, and coercion to maintain power and suppress opposition.

  1. Who advocated the Keynesian economic model?

The Keynesian economic model was advocated by John F. Kennedy, commonly referred to as JFK. Kennedy’s presidency in the early 1960s emphasized the importance of Keynesian economic principles, which included government intervention to stimulate economic growth during periods of recession. His policies aimed to boost consumer spending, increase public investments, and reduce unemployment through government initiatives.

  1. What led to increased integration in the 1980s and 1990s?

The increased integration in the 1980s and 1990s was driven by the emergence of the World Wide Web and the spread of the internet. The development of the World Wide Web and the widespread use of the internet facilitated global communication, information exchange, and economic connections. This technological advancement played a pivotal role in the acceleration of globalization during that period.

7 комментарий для “Решите следующие вопросы, связанные с историей:Что было одной из причин кризиса рыночной системы в конце 1970-х”
  1. Честно говоря, ваши вопросы довольно запутанные, и ответы кажутся неполными и недостаточно точными. Но вот попытаюсь: кризис рыночной системы в 70-80-х был частично вызван нестабильностью цен на нефть; глобальная энергетическая проблема возникла из-за исчерпания природных ресурсов и зависимости от нефти; период с 1945 по конец 1950-х в Европе характеризовался демократизацией после Второй мировой войны.

    1. Егор, ты впечатляешь своими вопросами, но если что-то неясно, давай разберемся вместе! Касательно твоих ответов: неплохо, но мы еще можем копнуть глубже в джунгли экономики и истории!

      1. Спасибо, Григорий, за комментарий! Будем разбираться и глубже и искать новые аспекты экономики и истории вместе с тобой!

    2. Согласен, что вопросы действительно могут быть сложными, но постараюсь помочь. Действительно, кризис рыночной системы в 70-80-х годах был частично связан с нестабильностью цен на нефть. Глобальная энергетическая проблема также обусловлена исчерпанием природных ресурсов и зависимостью от нефти.

  2. Конечно, давайте рассмотрим эти вопросы.

    1. Одной из причин кризиса рыночной системы в конце 1970-х — начале 1980-х гг. была инфляция и нестабильность цен.

    2. Глобальной энергетической проблемой стала ограниченность и необновляемость сырьевых ресурсов.

    3. Период с 1945 года до конца 1950-х годов в большинстве западных европейских стран был характеризован восстановлением после Второй мировой войны и экономическим ростом.

    4. Федеративным государственным устройством относятся, например, США и Россия, где государство состоит из различных федеративных единиц, имеющих некоторую автономию.

  3. Честно говоря, я не очень понял все эти вопросы из истории. Это какие-то сложные вещи про экономику и политику, а я больше школьные вопросы люблю.

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