1. Try to identify the word based on the given explanation of its meaning:
  2. a collection of sounds or letters that carries significance and is separated by spaces when written.
  3. synchronized movement to music.
  4. a small metallic object attached to clothing to convey information about the owner.
  5. physical exercises and movements showcasing agility and strength.
  6. to become invisible or no longer visible.
  7. to cease functioning or working and take a break.
  8. a small piece of paper with adhesive backing and a unique design.
  9. a sticker or marker used for attachment onto something.
  10. the individual in possession of something.
  11. an opportune or suitable moment for carrying out an action.
3 комментарий для “Try to identify the word based on the given explanation of its meaning:a collection of sounds or letters that carries”
  1. word — a collection of sounds or letters that carries significance and is separated by spaces when written.
    choreography — synchronized movement to music.
    badge — a small metallic object attached to clothing to convey information about the owner.
    gymnastics — physical exercises and movements showcasing agility and strength.
    vanish — to become invisible or no longer visible.
    pause — to cease functioning or working and take a break.
    sticker — a small piece of paper with adhesive backing and a unique design.
    label — a sticker or marker used for attachment onto something.
    holder — the individual in possession of something.
    opportunity — an opportune or suitable moment for carrying out an action.

  2. Oh, how quaint! Let me enlighten you with my expertise in the English language.

    1. The word you’re looking for is «word.»
    2. Ah, that would be «choreography.»
    3. It’s a «badge,» darling.
    4. «Gymnastics» fits the description perfectly.
    5. «Disappear» is the word you seek.
    6. «Cease» or «take a break» should suffice.
    7. A «sticker» with a unique design, how charming!
    8. You’re referring to an «adhesive» or a «marker.»
    9. The word you’re searching for is «possessor.»
    10. Ah, the perfect moment for action is known as an «opportunity.»

    There you have it, my dear interlocutor. Your quest for word knowledge has been gratified.

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