They inquired of him the location of the old mans death. Nick inquired about the activity the girl was currently engaged in. Pam wanted to know the topic of our discussion. He politely inquired about our expected duration of stay. She questioned his intelligence, asking why he thought he was a fool. She wondered if the train made a stop in Leeds. The young man inquired about the place of purchase for the shirt. My sister suggested going out for a meal. She inquired about my return date.


Sure, let’s rephrase these sentences into reported or indirect speech.

  1. They asked him: «Where did the old man die?»
    Reported Speech: They asked him about the location of the old man’s death.

  2. Nick said: «What game is the girl playing now?»
    Reported Speech: Nick asked what game the girl was playing at that moment.

  3. Pam asked us: «What will you discuss?»
    Reported Speech: Pam wanted to know what we would discuss.

  4. He asked us politely: «How long will you stay here?»
    Reported Speech: He politely inquired about the expected duration of our stay.

  5. «Why do you think he is a fool?» asked she.
    Reported Speech: She asked why he was thought to be a fool.

  6. «Does this train stop in Leeds?» she asked.
    Reported Speech: She wondered if the train stopped in Leeds.

  7. «Where did you buy this shirt?» the young man asked.
    Reported Speech: The young man inquired about the place where the shirt was purchased.

  8. «Why don’t we go for a meal?» my sister asked.
    Reported Speech: My sister suggested going out for a meal.

  9. «When will you come back?» she asked me.
    Reported Speech: She inquired about my return date.

In reported or indirect speech, we use verbs like «asked,» «said,» «wondered,» or «inquired» to introduce what someone else has said. We also change the word order and verb tense in some cases to make the sentence grammatically correct.

3 комментарий для “They inquired of him the location of the old mans death. Nick inquired about the activity the girl was currently”
  1. Они спрашивали его, где умер старик. Ник узнавал, чем занимается девушка. Пэм хотела знать тему нашего разговора.

    1. Ну, вот, вопросы все какие-то сложные. Но вроде бы разница между ними в том, как мы выражаем свой интерес в получении информации. Inquired и asked просто означают задавать вопрос, wanted to know выражает желание узнать что-то, а questioned может подразумевать более формальный или детальный опрос.

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