Please read, translate the text in writing, and give it a title. Create a plan for retelling, answering 15 questions about the text (write the questions yourself). People are a part of nature. As our civilization develops, people become more powerful than nature. However, its not that simple. People have learned to impact our environment by creating various household items, medicines, and food. Consequently, they pollute the atmosphere, leading to issues like ozone holes. People are not cautious; they burn forests and pollute rivers, resulting in incurable diseases and natural disasters such as typhoons, tsunamis, and acid rains. Nevertheless, I believe that nature wont eradicate us entirely (though dinosaurs disappeared). In my opinion, people should consider the future because our planet is in our hands. Until recently, the planet was a vast world where human activities and nature were in equilibrium. People coexisted harmoniously with nature without polluting it. However, today, environmental problems are the most pressing issues for modern society. Air, water, soil, and even the increasing noise pollution are causing health problems and reducing our quality of life. People deforest, destroy animal habitats, and contaminate water sources. The increasing number of vehicles in urban areas raises carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Furthermore, rare animals and plants are disappearing. Thus, its our responsibility to protect and save wildlife. These issues are so grave that they require immediate solutions. I consider myself a nature enthusiast and a lover of the great outdoors. Therefore, I joined our citys environmental group, which aims to make our city cleaner and more beautiful. We must care for our environment because we have the power to change the world and make it better. A green Earth signifies clean water, air, and soil. People breathe fresh air, and I hope future generations will do the same. Lets live in harmony with our environment! Historically, people have always polluted their surroundings, but pollution was not a severe issue until now. People lived in less crowded rural areas without pollution-causing machines. However, the development of densely populated industrial cities, which release vast amounts of pollutants into small areas, has made pollution a critical problem. Automobiles and other modern inventions worsen pollution steadily. Since the late 1960s, people have become increasingly concerned about pollutions dangers. Air, water, and soil are essential for all living beings, but polluted air can lead to illness and death, polluted water kills marine life, and contaminated soil cant grow food. Additionally, environmental pollution ruins the natural beauty of our planet. Pollution is a complex and serious problem. While automobiles pollute the air, they provide transportation. Factories pollute air and water but create jobs and essential goods. Fertilizers and pesticides are crucial for farming, but they can harm the soil. Therefore, people would have to stop using many essential items to end pollution immediately, which most people do not want. However, pollution can be gradually reduced. Scientists and engineers can find ways to reduce pollution from vehicles and factories. Governments can enact laws forcing enterprises to take anti-pollution measures. Individuals and groups can work together to persuade companies to stop polluting activities.


Title: «The Impact of Human Civilization on the Environment»

Plan for Retelling and 15 Questions:

  1. Introduction

    • Explain that people are part of nature but have become more powerful due to civilization.
    • Mention the consequences of this power on the environment.
    • Share personal belief about the future.
  2. Historical Perspective

    • Describe how humans used to live in harmony with nature.
    • Explain that environmental problems were not as pressing in the past.
  3. Modern Environmental Issues

    • Discuss the current state of environmental problems.
    • List examples such as air and water pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction.
  4. Consequences of Pollution

    • Explain how pollution affects human health and quality of life.
    • Discuss the impact on wildlife and ecosystems.
  5. Responsibility to Protect Nature

    • Emphasize the need to take responsibility for nature.
    • Explain that rare animals and plants are disappearing.
  6. Urgency of Solutions

    • Describe the urgency of addressing environmental issues.
    • Mention the need for immediate solutions.
  7. Personal Involvement

    • Share personal involvement in an environmental group.
    • Explain the goal of making the city cleaner and more beautiful.
  8. The Power to Make Change

    • Discuss the collective power of people to make a positive impact.
    • Encourage taking action for a greener future.
  9. Environmental Balance in History

    • Explain how people historically polluted less.
    • Describe the development of densely populated industrial cities.
  10. Modern Inventions and Pollution

    • Discuss how modern inventions worsen pollution.
    • Mention automobiles and factories as sources of pollution.
  11. Dangers of Pollution

    • Explain the dangers of polluted air, water, and soil.
    • Describe the impact on human health and marine life.
  12. Ruining Natural Beauty

    • Discuss how environmental pollution spoils the natural beauty of the planet.
    • Mention the importance of preserving nature’s beauty.
  13. Complex Nature of Pollution

    • Explain the complexity of pollution issues.
    • Discuss how many useful things would need to be abandoned to end pollution immediately.
  14. Gradual Reduction of Pollution

    • Discuss the possibility of gradually reducing pollution.
    • Mention the roles of scientists, engineers, governments, and individuals.
  15. Call to Action

    • Encourage taking action to reduce pollution.
    • Discuss the importance of working together to persuade companies to adopt anti-pollution measures.


  1. What is the main message of the text?
  2. How has human civilization affected nature?
  3. Why is it not simple when humans become more powerful than nature?
  4. What are some examples of how people influence the environment?
  5. What are the consequences of pollution on health and wildlife?
  6. Why is it important to protect rare animals and plants?
  7. Why are environmental problems urgent today?
  8. What role can individuals play in making the world a better place?
  9. How has pollution evolved over time?
  10. What modern inventions contribute to pollution?
  11. What dangers are associated with polluted air, water, and soil?
  12. How does environmental pollution affect the planet’s natural beauty?
  13. Why is pollution a complex issue?
  14. How can pollution be gradually reduced?
  15. What is the call to action in the text?
6 комментарий для “Please read, translate the text in writing, and give it a title. Create a plan for retelling, answering 15 questions”
  1. Понял, нам нужно прочитать текст, перевести его, придумать заголовок и составить план для рассказа. Этот текст говорит о том, как люди взаимодействуют с природой и как это влияет на окружающую среду, включая проблемы загрязнения. Надо сделать план для ответа на 15 вопросов о тексте.

  2. Для выполнения этого задания, вам нужно сначала внимательно прочитать текст, перевести его на русский язык и дать ему заголовок. Затем составьте план для пересказа текста и придумайте 15 вопросов о тексте. Учтите, что текст говорит о взаимодействии людей с природой и их влиянии на окружающую среду, и обратите внимание на проблемы, такие как разрушение озонового слоя.

  3. Само собой, давайте рассмотрим этот текст. Все это довольно очевидно: текст рассказывает о влиянии человека на природу и поднимает вопросы экологии. План для рассказа должен включать в себя введение, где вы уточните тему, затем основную часть, где подробно расскажете о влиянии человека на окружающую среду, и заключение, где сможете подвести итоги текста. Вот несколько вопросов для обсуждения: Какие методы воздействия на природу упоминаются в тексте? Какие проблемы окружающей среды описываются? Какие меры могут быть предприняты, чтобы уменьшить негативное воздействие человека на природу?

    1. при этом нашу ответственность за сохранение природы, и, наконец, заключение, где подводите итоги и делаете выводы о том, как каждый из нас может помочь в сохранении экологии.

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