Have never been to this restaurant, what would you recommend? — You should take gazpacho. It’s very good.

a) have to
b) must
c) should
d) had to

When I was a little boy I used to clean my room every day.

a) have to
b) must
c) musted
d) had to

You know that you are required to talk only in English during the class! It is a rule!

a) must
b) have to
c) ought to
d) should

Every student has to buy this dictionary. It is expensive, but they don’t have any option.

a) should
b) have to
c) has to
d) ought to

We are having a party tomorrow! You should come!

a) must
b) should
c) have to
d) should to

Mary is a good girl, but I think she ought to visit her granny more often.

a) has to
b) have to
c) ought to
d) must

He was so rude with Barbara! He should apologize!

a) must to
b) must
c) have to
d) should

He wasn’t able to start his car and go to work by metro.

a) must
b) had to
c) should have
d) ought to

If you go to Thailand you shouldn’t touch children’s heads! It is a bad omen!

a) don’t have to
b) ought to
c) mustn’t
d) shouldn’t

Ann has to wash the dishes after meals. She doesn’t like it!

a) has to
b) have to
c) must
d) should

You shouldn’t speak Russian during the class! Only English is allowed.

a) don’t have to
b) can’t
c) needn’t
d) don’t need to

«Daddy, I am so eager to go to the party with my friends!» — «OK, you can go there.»

a) must
b) need to
c) may

Our guests don’t have to pay for Wi-Fi, it is for free.

a) mustn’t
b) can’t
c) have to

You mustn’t talk so loudly in the library.

a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) don’t need to
d) have to

«You can go and play with other children but come back for dinner!»

a) can
b) need to
c) have to
d) must

«I don’t know if it is allowed to smoke here.» — «Yes, you can.»

a) can
b) must
c) need to

«Can I tell you something?» — «Sure!»

a) may
b) must
c) have

«Carl doesn’t have to water the flowers since his mom will do it.»

a) can’t
b) doesn’t have to
c) mustn’t
d) have to

4 комментарий для “Have never been to this restaurant, what would you recommend? — You should take gazpacho. It’s very good.a) have”
  1. Have never been to this restaurant, what would you recommend? — You should take gazpacho. It’s very good.
    a) have to
    b) must
    c) should
    d) had to

    Answer: c) should

    When I was a little boy I used to clean my room every day.
    a) have to
    b) must
    c) musted
    d) had to

    Answer: b) must

    You know that you are required to talk only in English during the class! It is a rule!
    a) must
    b) have to
    c) ought to
    d) should

    Answer: a) must

    Every student has to buy this dictionary. It is expensive, but they don’t have any option.
    a) should
    b) have to
    c) has to
    d) ought to

    Answer: b) have to

    We are having a party tomorrow! You should come!
    a) must
    b) should
    c) have to
    d) should to

    Answer: b) should

    Mary is a good girl, but I think she ought to visit her granny more often.
    a) has to
    b) have to
    c) ought to
    d) must

    Answer: c) ought to

    He was so rude with Barbara! He should apologize!
    a) must to
    b) must
    c) have to
    d) should

    Answer: d) should

    He wasn’t able to start his car and go to work by metro.
    a) must
    b) had to
    c) should have
    d) ought to

    Answer: b) had to

    If you go to Thailand you shouldn’t touch children’s heads! It is a bad omen!
    a) don’t have to
    b) ought to
    c) mustn’t
    d) shouldn’t

    Answer: d) shouldn’t

    Ann has to wash the dishes after meals. She doesn’t like it!
    a) has to
    b) have to
    c) must
    d) should

    Answer: b) have to

    You shouldn’t speak Russian during the class! Only English is allowed.
    a) don’t have to
    b) can’t
    c) needn’t
    d) don’t need to

    Answer: d) don’t need to

    «Daddy, I am so eager to go to the party with my friends!» — «OK, you can go there.»
    a) must
    b) need to
    c) may

    Answer: c) may

    Our guests don’t have to pay for Wi-Fi, it is for free.
    a) mustn’t
    b) can’t
    c) have to

    Answer: b) can’t

    You mustn’t talk so loudly in the library.
    a) needn’t
    b) mustn’t
    c) don’t need to
    d) have to

    Answer: b) mustn’t

    «You can go and play with other children but come back for dinner!»
    a) can
    b) need to
    c) have to
    d) must

    Answer: c) have to

    «I don’t know if it is allowed to smoke here.» — «Yes, you can.»
    a) can
    b) must
    c) need to

    Answer: a) can

    «Can I tell you something?» — «Sure!»
    a) may
    b) must
    c) have

    Answer: a) may

    «Carl doesn’t have to water the flowers since his mom will do it.»
    a) can’t
    b) doesn’t have to
    c) mustn’t
    d) have to

    Answer: b) doesn’t have to

  2. a) should
    b) had to
    a) must
    b) have to
    b) should
    c) ought to
    d) should
    b) had to
    d) shouldn’t
    a) has to
    d) don’t need to
    c) may
    c) have to
    b) can’t
    b) mustn’t
    a) can
    b) must
    c) have to
    a) may
    b) must
    b) doesn’t have to

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