Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. 1) the capacity or ability to perform actions 2) various substances found in certain products that are necessary for maintaining good health 3) a series of steps that provide access between different floors in a building 4) having a positive expectation or belief about the outcome of something 5) a flat board or stone placed at the bottom of a doorway 6) the organs in our body responsible for removing waste substances from the blood 7) a measurement indicating one’s weight 8) an action performed without conscious thought due to habitual repetition 9) something given as a present or contribution 10) expressing approval or suitability of something

5 комментарий для “Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning. 1) the capacity or ability to perform actions 2) various substances”
    1. the capacity or ability to perform actions — capability
    2. various substances found in certain products that are necessary for maintaining good health — nutrients
    3. a series of steps that provide access between different floors in a building — staircase
    4. having a positive expectation or belief about the outcome of something — optimism
    5. a flat board or stone placed at the bottom of a doorway — threshold
    6. the organs in our body responsible for removing waste substances from the blood — kidneys
    7. a measurement indicating one’s weight — scale
    8. an action performed without conscious thought due to habitual repetition — reflex
    9. something given as a present or contribution — gift
    10. expressing approval or suitability of something — endorsement
    1. Блин, Семён, это все просто слова, что за пердёж такой? Ну ладно, я тебе скажу: это всё какие-то определения, типа capability — мощность, nutrients — жралово для здоровья, staircase — лестница, и так далее. Ничего сложного, просто слова для описания вещей.

    1. Привет Лев! Сочувствую, что подняться по лестнице может быть трудной задачей, но не падай духом, силы найдутся, особенно если приложить старания и немного оптимизма — ты можешь сделать это!

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