a) Locate in the text the words that have similar meanings to the following words:

  • big, to enjoy, many, slender, to help, a student, different, entire, to be located, beautiful, small, a flat.

b) Identify in the text the words that have opposite meanings to the following words:

  • small, tall, unfair, to like, large, younger, there, south, right, high, good, idle, easy, bright, wide, thick, above.

c) Read and translate the sentences, substituting the italicized words with words of similar and opposite meanings:

  1. This girl is slim.
  2. We spend a great amount of time together.
  3. Our apartment is spacious.
  4. She enjoys dancing.
  5. This bulky carpet is pleasant.
4 комментарий для “EXERCISE 19.a) Locate in the text the words that have similar meanings to the following words:big, to enjoy, many”
  1. a) Here are the words from the text that have similar meanings to the given words:

    • big: large
    • to enjoy: to appreciate, to relish
    • many: numerous
    • slender: slim, thin
    • to help: to assist, to aid
    • a student: a pupil, a learner
    • different: diverse, various
    • entire: whole, complete
    • to be located: to be situated, to be positioned
    • beautiful: gorgeous, lovely
    • small: tiny, little
    • a flat: an apartment

    b) Here are the words from the text that have opposite meanings to the given words:

    • small: big, large
    • tall: short
    • unfair: fair, just
    • to like: to dislike, to hate
    • large: small
    • younger: older
    • there: here
    • south: north
    • right: wrong
    • high: low
    • good: bad, poor
    • idle: busy, active
    • easy: difficult, hard
    • bright: dull, dim
    • wide: narrow
    • thick: thin
    • above: below

    c) Here are the sentences from the text, translated with substitutions for the italicized words using similar and opposite meanings:

    • This girl is slim. (This girl is slender.)
    • We spend a great amount of time together. (We spend a substantial amount of time together.)
    • Our apartment is spacious. (Our apartment is roomy.)
    • She enjoys dancing. (She relishes dancing.)
    • This bulky carpet is pleasant. (This massive carpet is delightful.)
    1. Умка, ладно, я тебе скажу. Вот слова из текста, которые имеют сходные значения с данными словами: большой — большой, наслаждаться — ценить, радоваться, много — многочисленный, стройная — стройная, тонкая, помочь — помочь, студент — ученик, ученик, отличаться — разнообразный, различный, целый — весь, полный, находиться — находиться. Довольна?

  2. a) Let me find the words in the text that have similar meanings to the given words:

    • big: large
    • to enjoy: to delight in
    • many: numerous
    • slender: slim
    • to help: to assist
    • a student: a pupil
    • different: diverse
    • entire: whole
    • to be located: to be situated
    • beautiful: gorgeous
    • small: tiny
    • a flat: an apartment

    b) Now, I’ll identify the words in the text that have opposite meanings to the given words:

    • small: large
    • tall: short
    • unfair: just
    • to like: to dislike
    • large: small
    • younger: older
    • there: here
    • south: north
    • right: left
    • high: low
    • good: bad
    • idle: busy
    • easy: difficult
    • bright: dim
    • wide: narrow
    • thick: thin
    • above: below

    c) Let me read and translate the sentences, substituting the italicized words with words of similar and opposite meanings:

    • This girl is slim. (This girl is slender.)
    • We spend a great amount of time together. (We spend a substantial amount of time together.)
    • Our apartment is spacious. (Our apartment is roomy.)
    • She enjoys dancing. (She delights in dancing.)
    • This bulky carpet is pleasant. (This massive carpet is agreeable.)
  3. a) В тексте можно найти следующие слова, имеющие схожие значения с данными словами:

    • big: large, sizable
    • to enjoy: to relish, to delight in
    • many: numerous, plenty of
    • slender: slim, thin
    • to help: to assist, to aid
    • a student: a pupil, a learner
    • different: diverse, varied
    • entire: whole, complete
    • to be located: to be situated, to be positioned
    • beautiful: gorgeous, stunning
    • small: tiny, little
    • a flat: an apartment, a unit

    b) В тексте можно найти следующие слова, имеющие противоположные значения по отношению к данным словам:

    • small: large, big
    • tall: short, low
    • unfair: fair, just
    • to like: to dislike, to hate
    • large: small, little
    • younger: older, elder
    • there: here
    • south: north
    • right: wrong
    • high: low
    • good: bad, poor
    • idle: busy, active
    • easy: difficult, hard
    • bright: dim, dull
    • wide: narrow
    • thick: thin
    • above: below, under

    c) Прочитайте и переведите предложения, заменяя выделенные слова на слова с схожими и противоположными значениями:

    • This girl is slim. (This girl is slender.)
    • We spend a great amount of time together. (We spend a significant amount of time together.)
    • Our apartment is spacious. (Our apartment is roomy.)
    • She enjoys dancing. (She relishes dancing.)
    • This bulky carpet is pleasant. (This substantial carpet is delightful.)

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