Complete the gaps using the appropriate form of words given in the box: bad, big, far, funny, hard, kind, scary, tasty.

  1. This is the worst song I’ve ever heard.
  2. Ivy is the kindest woman I know. She’ll do anything for anybody.
  3. Listen! I promise you, this is the funniest joke ever! Well, a man goes into a shop…
  4. Mmm! This is the tastiest soup you’ve made so far.
  5. What’s the hardest thing about English grammar for you?
  6. Ben appeared and he was carrying the biggest present I’d ever seen. It was huge.
  7. We had a competition to see who could swim the farthest.
  8. Sandra told us the scariest ghost story she could, and it was really scary.
3 комментарий для “Complete the gaps using the appropriate form of words given in the box: bad, big, far, funny, hard, kind, scary”
  1. This is the worst song I’ve ever heard.
    Ivy is the kindest woman I know. She’ll do anything for anybody.
    Listen! I promise you, this is the funniest joke ever! Well, a man goes into a shop…
    Mmm! This is the tastiest soup you’ve made so far.
    What’s the hardest thing about English grammar for you?
    Ben appeared and he was carrying the biggest present I’d ever seen. It was huge.
    We had a competition to see who could swim the farthest.
    Sandra told us the scariest ghost story she could, and it was really scary.

  2. This is the worst song I’ve ever heard.
    Ivy is the kindest woman I know.
    Listen! I promise you, this is the funniest joke ever!
    Mmm! This is the tastiest soup you’ve made so far.
    What’s the hardest thing about English grammar for you?
    Ben appeared and he was carrying the biggest present I’d ever seen.
    We had a competition to see who could swim the farthest.
    Sandra told us the scariest ghost story she could, and it was really scary.

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