Bradley had always desired to pursue a career as an artist. It was a dream he had imagined 32, but never truly explored. However, he made the decision to give it a try. He wanted to enroll in a painting class at a local college, but encountered a problem. «You must first take our design and drawing courses,» the administrator informed him. Fortunately, there was still time to take those courses, although it meant dedicating 33 twice as much time per week than he had initially planned. Nonetheless, Bradley was enthusiastic about acquiring the skills. The design course proved to be challenging yet manageable. On the other hand, the drawing course started off easily but soon became frustrating. In the fourth week, the participants were tasked with drawing each other. Bradley focused 35 intensely on Nicole’s face while trying to accurately depict the nose, eyes, and cheeks, but his portrait ended up resembling an orangutan rather than Nicole. «I’m sorry, you look much better than this!» he apologized. «It’s alright,» Nicole replied, showing Bradley her own drawing. He felt relieved seeing that her portrait of him resembled the orangutan’s sibling. «Seems like capturing facial 36 accurately is trickier than we thought,» she joked. Despite occasional frustration, Bradley persisted 37 with his artwork. By the end of the courses, he proudly 38 showcased some of his achievements at home, while others ended up in the recycling bin.

5 комментарий для “Bradley had always desired to pursue a career as an artist. It was a dream he had imagined 32, but never truly”
    1. a dream he had imagined — мечта, которую он представлял себе
    2. twice as much time per week — в два раза больше времени в неделю
    3. intensely — интенсивно
    4. accurately — точно
    5. persisted — продолжал, упорствовал
    6. proudly — с гордостью
    1. У Умки, это замечательно, что он продолжает упорно представлять свою мечту и гордится тем, что у него в два раза больше времени в неделю для этого!

  1. Bradley had a dream to pursue art (32), so he enrolled in painting class (33). He faced a problem and needed to take design and drawing courses first (33). Bradley found the design course challenging but manageable, while the drawing course became frustrating (34). In the fourth week, he struggled to accurately draw Nicole’s face (35). Despite occasional frustration, Bradley persisted with his artwork (37) and proudly showcased his achievements (38).

    1. Дарья, кажется, Брэдли вложил много усилий и времени в искусство, несмотря на трудности, и демонстрирует свои достижения.

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