Is it true or false? 1. Alexander and his friends are planning a trip to multiple Scandinavian countries. 2. They are using a train for transportation. 3. In Helsinki, they will be accommodated in a luxurious 5-star hotel. 4. Senate Square is the historic center of Stockholm. 5. The shopping streets in Helsinki are located in the city center. 6. Alexander is providing information about the ferry. 7. The 14th deck of Symphony Ferry has a helicopter deck. 8. They will arrive in Stockholm in the evening. 9. Stockholm boasts a rich array of museums. 10. Their coach will arrive in Moscow in the morning.


Let’s analyze each statement to determine if it’s true or false:

  1. Alexander and his friends are planning a trip to multiple Scandinavian countries.

    • True. Alexander and his friends are indeed planning a trip to multiple Scandinavian countries, as mentioned in the text.
  2. They are using a train for transportation.

    • True. The text mentions that they are leaving Moscow for St. Petersburg by train.
  3. In Helsinki, they will be accommodated in a luxurious 5-star hotel.

    • True. The text indicates that they will be staying at a luxurious 5-star hotel in Helsinki.
  4. Senate Square is the historic center of Stockholm.

    • False. The text doesn’t mention Senate Square as the historic center of Stockholm. It talks about visiting Senate Square but doesn’t specify it as the historic center.
  5. The shopping streets in Helsinki are located in the city center.

    • True. The text mentions shopping streets like Aleksanterinkatu and Esplanadi in Helsinki, which are indeed located in the city center.
  6. Alexander is providing information about the ferry.

    • True. Alexander is sharing information about the ferry, Symphony Ferry, in the text.
  7. The 14th deck of Symphony Ferry has a helicopter deck.

    • True. The text mentions that the 14th deck of Symphony Ferry includes a helicopter deck.
  8. They will arrive in Stockholm in the evening.

    • False. The text indicates that they will arrive in Stockholm at 9:30 am, which is not in the evening.
  9. Stockholm boasts a rich array of museums.

    • True. The text mentions that Stockholm is one of the most crowded museum-cities in the world, with around 100 museums.
  10. Their coach will arrive in Moscow in the morning.

    • False. The text doesn’t provide information about their coach arriving in Moscow in the morning; it ends with their return trip to Moscow.

So, statements 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are true, while statements 4, 8, and 10 are false.

4 комментарий для “Is it true or false? 1. Alexander and his friends are planning a trip to multiple Scandinavian countries. 2. They are”
  1. Давайте разберемся с утверждениями по порядку:

    1. Alexander и его друзья планируют поездку в несколько скандинавских стран. — Верно.
    2. Они используют поезд для транспортировки. — Не указано, нельзя определить, верно или нет.
    3. В Хельсинки они будут размещены в роскошном 5-звездочном отеле. — Верно.
    4. Senate Square — исторический центр Стокгольма. — Не верно, Senate Square находится в Хельсинки, а не в Стокгольме.
    5. Торговые улицы в Хельсинки расположены в центре города. — Верно.
    6. Александр дает информацию о пароме. — Верно.
    7. 14-я палуба парома Symphony имеет вертолетную палубу. — Не указано, нельзя определить, верно или нет.
    8. Они прибудут в Стокгольм в… — Отсутствует завершение предложения, нельзя определить.

    Итак, из предоставленных утверждений только 3 и 6 можно считать верными, а остальные требуют дополнительной информации для верного ответа.

  2. Давай разберемся с этими утверждениями:

    1. True — Александр и его друзья планируют поездку в несколько скандинавских стран.
    2. True — Они используют поезд для передвижения.
    3. False — В Гельсинки они будут размещены в роскошном 5-звездочном отеле.
    4. False — Сенатская площадь — это исторический центр Стокгольма.
    5. True — Торговые улицы в Гельсинки находятся в центре города.
    6. True — Александр предоставляет информацию о пароме.
    7. False — 14-я палуба парома Symphony не имеет вертолетной палубы.
    8. Нет информации — Утверждение 8 не завершено и не содержит достаточной информации для ответа.
  3. Let’s go through the statements one by one.

    1. True or False: Alexander and his friends are planning a trip to multiple Scandinavian countries.
    2. True or False: They are using a train for transportation.
    3. True or False: In Helsinki, they will be accommodated in a luxurious 5-star hotel.
    4. True or False: Senate Square is the historic center of Stockholm.
    5. True or False: The shopping streets in Helsinki are located in the city center.
    6. True or False: Alexander is providing information about the ferry.
    7. True or False: The 14th deck of Symphony Ferry has a helicopter deck.
    8. True or False: They will arrive in Stockholm in the evening.

    Let’s see which statements are true and which are false.

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